ACA WSO fejrer 46 år

Det vides ikke præcis, hvornår det allerførste ACA møde blev afholdt. Men man ved, at det var i januar måned for 46 år siden.

I den forbindelse har ACA WSO skrevet følgende i januar-udgaven af nyhedsbrevet The Traveler:

Happy Birthday ACA!

 46 years ago in January the first ACA meeting was held. In honor of ACA’s 46th birthday, the celebration occurs on the last weekend in January. If you would like to send ACA a birthday gift to help ACA carry the message of recovery around the globe, a suggestion recently heard was to make a contribution of $3.00 or more for every year you have been in ACA. So many of us have received the gift of freedom from fear and grief suffered since childhood and now have quality lives. That is something worth investing in so others can share in this experience. Let’s make this the best year ever for ACA!